Visiting any of the game parks, there is no real ‘best time’. Thanks to the abundant wildlife, there is activity in the savannah all through the year. Barring the monsoon season, the rest of the year is a good time to go on the safaris. The Masai Mara is widely regarded as a fantastic year round safari destination. In its wide and open plains there is virtually always something to see. But if you are looking at the spectacular migration which happens once a year, the best time to visit the Masai Mara is from about July to October. Other times, the late rains mean they would arrive later, but you will still find the last of the migrating wildebeests and some of them who do not migrate at all. As the Great Migration depends on the annual rains, so too can your safari be affected by the weather conditions. Generally the migration starts from towards the end of July and goes on till early November, But August to October is ideal Migration season. But because of the global popularity of the migration, these three months are considered to be ‘peak season’ and there will be a lot of tourists and jeeps. And generally in the peak season, the costs of everything are high. So you will need to keep these two points also in mind while planning your trip.

Other than that November to April is a very good time for the wildlife safaris, with the grass very low enabling good sighting, less tourists and jeeps and the weather is very pleasant.

Monsoon season, May and June are off peak and if you love to be the savannah and grasslands during the rain and appreciate nature, you could also travel in this season. Sometimes if the rain is heavy, then the tracks get very wet and safaris might not be possible. But even during these seasons, the Masai Mara offers an uncompromised game view and adventure because of the dense population of animals and the cool climate.